Small groups will meet weekly to study the Gospel Lesson for the upcoming Sunday. This year’s Lenten Gospel Lessons come from the Gospels of John and Matthew. The readings from John’s Gospel (Lent 2-5) are all stories of an individual person having a life-changing encounter with Jesus. How can we encounter Jesus in Regina in the 21st century? How would an encounter with Jesus alter our lives?
Mondays @ 7:00 pm | Leader: Carol M Host: Lorna C |
Wednesdays @ 9:00 am | Leader: Claude S Host: At St. Mary’s |
Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm | Leader: Henry F Hosts: Alan and Jacky S |
Saturdays @ 7:00 pm | Leader: Katherine G Host: Ginny L |
Sundays @ 7:00 pm | Leader and Host: Beth C |
For families who are unable to make these dates and times work in your schedule, you are invited to sign up to be paired with another family to pray and study together at a time that is convenient for you. Speak to Heidi D or Karen J to be added to this list and receive the materials.
A group is being organized for our older youth which will meet at St. Mary’s on Friday evenings. Speak to Nathaniel for details.