Trinity 2021 – Bulletin

MAY 30, 2021


10.30 A.M. HOLY COMMUNIONHenry preaching.

GODLY PLAY for children 3-6 years via zoom. Today’s story is  ‘Baptism’ Acts 2:38-39; Matthew 28:18-20.

FAITH QUEST (for children 7-13 via zoom) year end review challenge – leader is Kate. 


TRINITY SUNDAY. Today marks the half way in our liturgical calendar. Having prepared for and celebrated the Birth of Jesus Christ ( Advent and Christmas) , and having celebrated the manifestation of His glory (Epiphany), and then having prepared for and celebrated His Passion,  Resurrection, and Ascension (Lent and Easter), and the sending of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost), we now ask the question, “In light of all that has been revealed to us in the birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension of Jesus Christ, and sending of the Holy Spirit, what does this tell us about who God is. There can be no more important question life. Trinity Sunday celebrates the revelation of the One True God, who is the Father, and who is never without His eternally-begotten Son, and never without His eternal, holy, and life-giving Spirit. In short, God is the Holy Trinity, who has saved us, and who we glorify, love, and adore. Now that we have “run through the Creed”, during the season of Trinity, which will take us to Advent, the Creed runs through us, where will seek to grow in our knowledge and love of God.

SUNDAY ATTENDANCE RESTRICTIONS. IN conformity to the Public Health Order of the Provincial Government, the maximum attendance at public worship has been lifted from 30 person to 30% of capacity, which allows up to 60 people to attend. We continue to observe public health protocols, and there is no need to register in advance.

WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT! ON June 19th, at 2:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s, Derek and Li will be joined together as husband and wife in the service of Holy Matrimony. All members of St. Mary’s Parish family are warmly invited. Please let the Rector or the office know if you plan to attend.

LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

VESTRY meets this Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. via zoom.

FAMILY MINISTRIES meets this Thursday at St. Mary’s at 6.30 p.m.

JOB POSTING.  The newly formed Immanuel Anglican Church in the St. Cuthbert Archdeaconry is looking for a dynamic and collaborative individual for the permanent, part-time position of Office Manager. The hours of work will be six hours Monday through Friday, mornings and afternoons, for a total of 30 hours each week. The hours required will be reviewed after six months. The job will be performed on-site at the Immanuel Massey Road interim primary worship site. Interested individuals should send an email outlining their experience, skills, abilities, and interest, including references, as they relate to the Office Manager Role Description below to the wardens at  Inquiries about the position can be sent to the same address.Salary will be commensurate with experience. Benefits will be in accordance with Diocesan of Qu’Appelle benefits.  Deadline for receipt of  expressions of interest is June 15, 2021.