Advent and Christmas at St. Mary’s

Advent Prayer Vigil

Saturday, December 2, 12.00 – 5.00 pm.
An afternoon of prayer and silence including a series of reflections on the theme “My House Shall be called a house of prayer” (Matt. 21.13}. We will begin with Holy Communion and end with an Advent Antiphon Service.

Fridays in Advent

December 8, 15, 22 from 5.45 pm. – 8.00 pm.
This intergenerational gathering will be begin with a hot and hearty meal, and will be followed by opportunity for book study, baking, music making, crafts, to conclude with Family Compline Service of Light and Peace.

St. Nicholas’ Day Celebration

Saturday, December 9 3.30 pm. – 6.30 pm.
An afternoon of tea, snacks, visiting, activities to include packing baskets for Women of the Dawn Counseling Centre Project Kid Care, blessing the baskets, worship, and a visit from St. Nicholas. You are invited to bring a gift of toys, books, or clothing for a child between the age of 3 and 15 for the Women of the Dawn Kid Care Project. An event for adults and children of all ages. Invite your family, friends and neighbours.

Advent and Christmas Worship

Dec 3, First Sunday in Advent

10.00 am. Morning Prayer
10.30 am. Holy Communion

Dec 10, Second Sunday in Advent

10.00 am. Morning Prayer
10.30 Holy Communion

Dec 17, Third Sunday in Advent

10.00 am. Morning Prayer
10.30 am. Holy Communion

Dec 24, Fourth Sunday in Advent/Christmast Eve

10.30 am. Service of Lessons and Carols for Christmas
7.00 pm. Festal Holy Communion for Christmas

Dec 25, Christmas Day

10.30 am. Holy Communion

Dec 31, First Sunday after Christmas

10.00 am. Morning Prayer
10.30 am. Holy Communion

Lord Jesus, You have come so many times and found no resting place;
forgive us our overcrowded lives, our vain haste, and our preoccupation with self.

Come again, 0 Lord, and though our hearts are a jumble of voices and our minds overlaid with many fears, find a place however humble, where You can begin to work Your wonder as You create peace and joy within us. If in some hidden corner, in some out-of- the-way-spot, we can clear away the clutter and shut out the noise and darkness, come again and be born in us, and we shall kneel in perfect peace with the wisest and humblest of men.

Help us enter into this Advent with humility yet with You. And finally, Lord, give us Christmas from within that we may share it without, on all sides, all around us, wherever there is need.

God help us, every one, to share the blessings of Jesus in Whose Name we keep Christmas holy. Amen