Lenten Mission 2024


XIR193456 Sermon on the Mount, Scenes from the Life of Christ (mosaic) by Byzantine School, (6th century) mosaic Sant’Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, Italy Giraudon out of copyright

Blessed are You: Living the Beatitudes

Guest Speaker: Dr. John Patrick,
President and Professor of the History of Science, Medicine and Faith
Augustine College, Ottawa

February 23 – 25

Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m.

Blessed Are You Session 1
Blessed Are You Session 2

Sunday at 10.30 a.m.

Blessed Are You Session 3 / Lent 2 Communion

PUBLIC LECTURE with Dr. John Patrick: “What Hyppocrates Knew and The Practice of Medicine in the Modern Age.” The loss of transcendent values and religious faith in the modern age has had  a profound effect on the practice of medicine  for physicians and patients alike. What role, if any, does faith play in the practice of medicine, and what does Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” have to teach us?   Saturday, February 24 10.30 a.m.

(Sorry, but we have only a partial recording of this lecture…)

What Hippocrates Knew and The Practice of Medicine in the Modern Age (Partial recording)