Easter 3 – April 22, 2018

St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Canon Claude Schroeder.

Lectionary: Acts 4. 5-12, Psalm 23, 1 John 3. 16-24, John 10. 11-18

Well, the Easter lilies packed it in in this week. It’s always a little sad to see them go. But our celebration of Easter continues. Today on the Third Sunday after Easter we are still wanting to grapple with the implication of the Resurrection of Jesus for our lives on this earth.

The way in which the Christian faith sometimes gets presented, it’s as if the Resurrection of Jesus was all about life after death, about going to heaven to be with Jesus after you die. But what, if any thing does the Resurrection of Jesus have to say about life before death? Continue reading “Easter 3 – April 22, 2018”

April 22, 2018 – Third Sunday after Easter

Almighty God, who shewest to them that be in error the light of thy truth, to the intent that they may return into the way of righteousness: Grant unto all them that are admitted into the fellowship of Christ’s religion, that they may forsake those things that are contrary to their profession, and follow all such things as are agreeable to the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18

This week’s bulletin: 3rd Sunday after Easter

This week’s sermon

April 15th, 2018 – Second Sunday after Easter

Almighty God, who hast given thine only Son to be unto us both a sacrifice for sin, and also an example of godly life: Give us grace that we may always most thankfully receive that his inestimable benefit, and also daily endeavour ourselves to follow the blessed steps of his most holy life; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48

This week’s bulletin:  2nd Sunday after Easter

April 8, 2018 – Sunday after Easter

ALMIGHTY Father, who hast given thine only Son to die for our sins, and to rise again for our justification: Grant us so to put away the leaven of malice and wickedness, that we may always serve thee in pureness of living and truth; through the merits of the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; 1 John 1:1-2:2; John 20:19-31

This week’s bulletin: Sunday after Easter

This week’s sermon

Easter – April 1, 2018

St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church – Revd. Canon Claude Schroeder

Alleluia! Christ is Risen. He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!

So runs the ancient Easter greeting, with which Christians throughout the ages have greeted one another during the Great 50 days of Easter , which starts today. And with these words I greet you all this happy morning!

Let’s try it. Alleluia! Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed. Alleluia!

As far as Christian greetings go, it beats “Happy Easter” don’t you think? Continue reading “Easter – April 1, 2018”

The Blessing of the Easter Baskets

The blessing of the Easter Basket has been a cherished Christian ritual for centuries among families. The tradition of food blessing at Easter has early medieval roots in Christian society and is said to date from the 7th century in its basic form, the more modern form are said to date from the 12th century. The Christian significance of Easter is symbolized in the foods used for the Holiday feast. Baskets containing a sampling of Easter foods are brought to church to be blessed. The Christian significance of Easter is symbolized in the foods used for the Holiday feast. Baskets are lined with a white cloth and decorated with ribbons and greenery to symbolize spring, renewal, and the Resurrection. Traditionally, the baskets would include: decorated hardboiled eggs (representing Christ’s Resurrection), lamb-shaped butter or sugar (representing Christ as the “Lamb of God“), bread (symbolic of Jesus as the “Bread of Life“), ham (symbolic of great joy and abundance), sausage (symbolic of God’s favor and generosity), smoked bacon (symbolic of the overabundance of God’s mercy), some prefer lamb (representing Christ as the “Lamb of God”), salt (symbolic of prosperity and justice and to remind us “You are the salt of the earth”), cheese (symbolizes the moderation Christians should have at all times), horseradish & pepper (symbolic of the Passion of Christ and the bitter herbs of the Passover). A white candle is often inserted into the basket to represent Christ as the “Light of the World.” Lastly, the basket is cover with linen symbolizing the covering of Christ’s shroud.

Holy Week 2018


The Christian life has often been compared to a pilgrimage, a dedicated journey to a place of encounter with God. The Church, through her liturgy, overshadowed by the power of God the Holy Spirit, seeks to open a door for the people of God to enter the Divine Presence.

The ancient liturgies of Holy Week are themselves the result of 4th and 5th century pilgrimages to the Holy Land. These traditional liturgies are the most unusual and vivid of the Christian year, and for the great majority of the world’s Christians mark a period of intense spiritual awareness and devotion.

We enter this time “not only with our hearts and minds, but with our feet as we make procession along with Jesus and his other disciples from Bethany to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, from the Upper Room to the Mount of Olives on Maundy Thursday, from the Judgment Hall to the hill of Calvary on Good Friday, to the tomb in the garden on Holy Saturday and finally to that moment in the heart and silence of God the Father when the Resurrection of his only begotten Son became a reality in time and place”. (G. Furry)

I extend a warm and fervent invitation to everyone as we come together as a parish family to celebrate the mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection, not as spectators, or as those remembering something that happened “long ago in a land far, far, away…”, but as participants

“Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us, therefore let us keep the feast! (1 Cor. 5, 7)

Yours in faith and love,

Claude+ Continue reading “Holy Week 2018”

Palm Sunday – March 25, 2018

St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Rev’d Canon Claude Schroeder

We began our service this morning with the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem where the crowds, we are told, waved palm branches in the air.

But today isn’t really about the Palms. It’s about the Cross, which explains the our Palm Crosses. Although Good Friday marks the actual day Jesus was crucified, starting today and throughout this Holy Week, it is the Cross, and everything that led up to it, which is the subject of the Church’s worship, meditation and devotion.

What is the Cross? Continue reading “Palm Sunday – March 25, 2018”

March 25, 2018 – Palm Sunday

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who, of thy tender love towards mankind, hast sent thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take upon him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross, that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility: Mercifully grant, that we may both follow the example of his patience, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Isaiah 50: 4-9a; Psalm 31: 9-16; Philippians 2:1-5; Matthew 27

This week’s bulletin

This week’s sermon