Palm Sunday – April 5, 2020


Hosanna to the Son of David
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.


Behold your king comes to you, O Zion,
meek and lowly, sitting upon an ass.
Ride on in the cause of truth
and for the sake of justice.
Your throne is the throne of God, it endures for ever;
and the sceptre of your kingdom is a righteous sceptre.
You have loved righteousness and hated evil.
Therefore God, your God, has anointed you
with the oil of gladness above your fellows.

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March 29, 2020 Lent 5

St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church, Canon Claude Schroeder (John 11. 1-45)

Today we have come to the Fifth and final Sunday in the season of Lent, and the story of the Raising of Lazarus from the dead. This is the fourth in a series of encounters from St. John’s Gospel this Lent, where Jesus has been demonstrating His power to heal, save, and deliver us from all the powers of evil which threaten and destroy human life and God’s good creation. 

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Let me encourage you to create a beautiful space in your home, and at 10.30 to sing, read and pray through the service as you are able. Hopefully you will have someone with whom to share the various roles.

I will be in my accustomed place tomorrow morning, and will joining with all of you in worship and prayer.

With every blessing for the Lord’s Day.

Claude +


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Lent 4, March 22, 2020

Canon Claude Schroeder ( John 9. 1-41)

So today we are continuing our Lenten sermon series, “Becoming the Story We Tell” where, in the Gospel lessons from St. John, we are exploring the meaning of Baptism, our “birth from above by water and the Spirit.” (John 3.5)

St. Paul, speaking of Holy Baptism, wrote, “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.”( Romans 6.5). Baptism is union with Jesus in His death. What was the death of Jesus?  The death of Jesus Christ on the Cross was a death to sin. It was a death in which He entrusted Himself to God in love and obedience. It was a death unto life with God, and by that death He has defeated the power of death on our behalf, and was raised bodily to life again. 

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Lent 2 March 8, 2020

St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church Regina Lent 2 March 8, 2020 Canon Claude Schroeder (John 3:1—7)

The theme which we are exploring in our small groups this Lent and on Sunday mornings at St. Mary’s “Becoming the Story We Tell” which is the story of God’s love made known in creation and in the birth, baptism, temptation, preaching, teaching, miracles, suffering, death, resurrection, ascension, sending of the Holy Spirit, and the coming again in glory of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord to judge the living and the dead. This is the story that is embedded in both the Apostles and Nicene Creed, and in the calendar that governs our worship here at St. Mary’s.

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Lent 1 March 1, 2020

Sermon on Matthew 4:1-11

Canon Claude Schroeder

Lent has arrived! I know it doesn’t look like it much outside today, but Lent is the Church’s springtime. It’s a time when new life begin to appear, and as we begin our journey with Jesus to Jerusalem.

Our Gospel for today: after His Baptism by John in the River Jordan, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, and he fasted 40 days and 40 nights. It’s this temptation that I want to talk to you about this morning.

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Quinquagesima Feb 23, 2020

Sermon by Canon Claude Schroeder

We come today to the final Sunday in this season of pre-Lent: Quinquagesima, from the Latin word tor 50, in anticipation of the 40 days of Lent which starts on Wednesday.

“Then Jesus took unto the 12 aside and said to them, “See ​we are going up to Jerusalem, and everythinq that is written about the Son of Man by the prophets will be accomplished.”

Lent is a journey with Jesus and his disciples to Jerusalem.

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Trinity 21 – November 10, 2019

Canon Claude Schroeder. Luke 20: 27—38

At the end of the service today we will be calling to mind and grieving the loss of the millions of war dead in conflicts past and present, and offering prayers for them and for the world. You know the older you get, the more funerals you end up going to, and after a while you have more friends and family who are dead than alive. You are reminded of the prospect of your own death, and the need to prepare.

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Word from the Rector – “The Seculosity Creed”

Aren’t you glad that we have the Nicene Creed as part of our worship every Sunday? I mean if you are not going to believe this, then what are you going to believe? What alternatives are there?

The American writer and cultural commentator, David Zahl, in a  spirit of play and confession, wrote  “The Seculosity Creed ” a piece of “sub-Nicene ridiculousness” in which he presents what our modern secular age offers us by way of  faith and hope commitments to live by, which may obtain even here north of the border, and in moments of weakness,  draw us in.  Hope you enjoy it, as much as I did.

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