Sermon for St. Mary’s Anglican – by Henry Friesen February 7, 2021
Scriptures for the 5th Sunday of Epiphany: Isaiah 40:21-31, Psalm 147: 1-11, I Corinthians 9:16-23 and Mark1:29-39
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts together, be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.
Questions That Push Us Toward God
Asking the right question is one of the most incisive ways to get to the heart of any issue or problem. Your family Doctor listens to your explanation but then begins to ask pointed questions – the better the questions, the more certain her or she is about what the treatment options are. Parents can only understand their child if they ask the questions that will reveal what is really going on with their child, what is behind their discomfort, anxiousness or sadness. I suggest to you this morning that good questions will also reveal your spiritual malaise or areas where you and I have forgotten the reality of God’s presence.
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