Trinity 18, 2022 – Bulletin


October 16, 2022


LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

DIOCESAN SYNOD CLOSING EUCHARIST takes place at St. Paul’s Cathedral this Sunday. Representing St. Mary’s are our Rector Claude, Bob, and Lyndon.

THE WORD OF GOD ENDURES FOR EVER: Why I became a figural reader of Scripture.  Join us this Saturday, October 22 at 12:00 p.m. at St Mary’s for a talk/webinar hosted by The Anglican Communion Alliance on the figural reading of Scripture by the Dr. Ephraim Radner, Professor of Historical Theology at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. Figural reading is a traditional way of reading scripture that sees Christ and the work of Christ in all of Scripture, both Old Testament and New Testament. Please speak to Claude if you wish to attend.

YOUTH/PARENT/FRIEND BOARD GAME NIGHT.  For our Youth, bring your parents; bring a friend; bring your favorite board game.  This will be at St. Mary’s church hall on Saturday, October 22 @ 7:00 pm.  Snacks will be provided.  We hope to see you all there. Please let Janice and David know if you are coming.

ST. NICHOLAS DAY PARISH FAIR. There will be a planning meeting next Sunday after worship for our December St. Nicholas Day Celebration. Our vision is to expand on our past efforts with a view to inviting and including the community to come to St. Mary’s to “taste, see, ( and hear!) that the Lord is good. Happy are they who trust in Him.” If you are able to part of the planning, please speak to Claude.

REFUGEE SPONSORSHIP UPDATE. Due to public health concerns in Uganda, from where the refugee family will depart, the schedule and flight have been revised because refugee family will need to complete 21 days for monitoring before they leave Uganda. The Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will inform us about the new date of arrival to Regina.

DID YOU KNOW St. Mary’s has a small freezer in the room right of the kitchen? When you are cooking freezable dishes (soups, stew, chili) or baking (crisp, cookies, muffins) please consider making extra. Label and package carefully with ingredients and date visible. Record the type of dish and date made in the binder on the freezer. These foods are distributed to those in need be they parishioners or those in the community.

DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTINGWe continue our practice of prayer and fasting this Wednesday. Fasting supper will follow Evening Prayer at 5.30. All are welcome.


Morning Prayer

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:30 am
  • Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

Evening Prayer 

  • Wednesday at 5:30 pm.  

Trinity 17, 2022 – Bulletin


October 9, 2022


LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

ST. MARY’S “UNSTEWARDSHIP” CAMPAIGN. This Sunday’s sermon will focus on “The Stewardship of Creation.” Join us also for a Day of Fasting and Prayer this Wednesday. Fasting meal will follow Evening Prayer at 5.30 p.m.  

DID YOU KNOW St. Mary’s has a small freezer in the room right of the kitchen? When you are cooking freezable dishes (soups, stew, chili) or baking (crisp, cookies, muffins) please consider making extra. Label and package carefully with ingredients and date visible. Record the type of dish and date made in the binder on the freezer. These foods are distributed to those in need be they parishioners or those in the community.

Youth/Parent/Friend Board Game night.  For our Youth, bring your parents; bring a friend; bring your favorite board game.  This will be at St. Mary’s church hall on Saturday, October 22 @ 7:00 pm.  Snacks will be provided.  We hope to see you all there. Please let Janice and David know if you are coming.

Our 84th Synod is quickly approaching (October 14-16, 2022) and we are working hard to ensure that we extend the best hospitality to our delegates as we can!  But we need the help of our Regina parish family to make that happen.  Below are 3 opportunities for you to extend hospitality and help with the event:

  1. We need help with set up, serving, bartending on the Sat. evening, and/or cleaning up after meals.  If you are available to help out, please click here to sign up:
  2. We are also calling on folks to pray for the delegates and the event itself in the prayer chapel at St. Paul’s.  If you can lend us an hour or two of your time to pray, please click on this link to sign up:
  3. Regina folks, are you able to billet a fellow Anglican who lives out of Regina for one or both of these nights? If so, please contact Kate, and we will connect you with someone. Thank you!

Worship This Week

  • 8.30 Morning Prayer on Tuesday and Friday
  • 9.00 Morning Prayer on Wednesday
  • 5.30 Evening Prayer on Wednesday, followed by “fasting meal”.

Trinity 16, 2022 – Bulletin


October 2, 2022


LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

Faith Quest Orientation will take place today after church. This event is for parents of children ages 7-13, and members of the congregation interested in this ministry with a view to helping with the re-boot! 

Our 84th Synod is quickly approaching (October 14-16, 2022) and we are working hard to ensure that we extend the best hospitality to our delegates as we can!  But we need the help of our Regina parish family to make that happen.  Below are 3 opportunities for you to extend hospitality and help with the event:

1.  We need help with set up, serving, bartending on the Sat. evening, and/or cleaning up after meals.  If you are available to help out, please click here to sign up:

2.  We are also calling on folks to pray for the delegates and the event itself in the prayer chapel at St. Paul’s.  If you can lend us an hour or two of your time to pray, please click on this link to sign up:

3.Regina folks, are you able to billet a fellow Anglican who lives out of Regina for one or both of these nights? If so, please contact Kate and we will connect you with someone. Thank you!

Worship This Week

  • 8.30 Morning Prayer on Tuesday and Friday
  • 9.00 Morning Prayer on Wednesday
  • 5.30 Evening Prayer on Wednesday.

Trinity 15, 2022 – Bulletin

September 25, 2022


LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

Aboriginal/ Non Aboriginal Pot Luck and Sharing Circle will take place this Wednesday at 5.30 p.m. All are welcome!

Faith Quest Orientation will take place next Sunday October 2 after church. This event is for parents of children ages 7-13, and members of the congregation interested in this ministry with a view to helping with the re-boot! We need several 2 litre plastic pop bottles, clean and without labels or lids.  If you have some to donate, please bring them next Sunday and leave them in the FQ art room in the basement. 

Our 84th Synod is quickly approaching (October 14-16, 2022) and we are working hard to ensure that we extend the best hospitality to our delegates as we can!  But we need the help of our Regina parish family to make that happen.  Below are 3 opportunities for you to extend hospitality and help with the event:

  1. We need help with set up, serving, bartending on the Sat. evening, and/or cleaning up after meals.  If you are available to help out, please click here to sign up:
  2. We are also calling on folks to pray for the delegates and the event itself in the prayer chapel at St. Paul’s.  If you can lend us an hour or two of your time to pray, please click on this link to sign up:
  3. Regina folks, are you able to billet a fellow Anglican who lives out of Regina for one or both of these nights? If so, please contact Kate and we will connect you with someone. Thank you!

Cathedral Village Neighborhood Clean Up took place last Saturday. A Big Thank you to Sandra, Starr, Sharon , and Simon who cooked breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and sausages for the 30 volunteers!

This Week

  • 8.30 Morning Prayer on Tuesday and Friday
  • 9.00 Morning Prayer on Wednesday
  • 5.30 Evening Prayer on Wednesday.

Trinity 14, 2022 – Bulletin

The Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity – September 18, 2022 10.30 o’clock


LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

Congregational meeting today We will have Morning Prayer at 10:30 am, and the meeting will follow immediately after.  There will be refreshments provided, and childcare will be available.  We will aim to finish by 1:00 pm at the latest.

Faith Quest Orientation will take place October 2 after church and we need several 2 litre plastic pop bottles, clean and without labels or lids.  If you have some to donate, please bring them next Sunday and leave them in the FQ art room in the basement, or leave with  Kate. Thank you!

Provincial Service of Memorial for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will take place at St. Paul’s Cathedral on Monday, September Monday, September 19, 7:00 pm at St. Paul’s Cathedral.Seating is on first come, first served basis. Doors open at 5,30 p.m.

 Our 83rd Diocesan Synod is on October 14-16, 2022, at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Regina. Regina folks, are you able to billet a fellow Anglican who lives out of Regina for one or both of these nights? If so, please contact Kate and we will connect you with someone. Thank you!

ST. Mary’s Refugee Sponsorship Update.

We thank God the anticipated arrival for the South Sudanese Refugee family on October 19, 2022, at 20:06. We pray for safe travels for:

1.    Mapiou Deng
2.   Ahou Bol
3.   Arok Deng
4.   Ayak Norah
5.    Arok Rufus

In preparation for the arrival of the refugee family, we request for donations with the following items:

  • Furniture: couches and sofa (1 set for the living room); mattresses and spring boxes for 5 beds (2 adult beds and three children’s beds); and two-set beddings for the beds. Queen sizes are preferrable.
  • Clothing: Winter jackets and other seasonal clothes for three children (ages 5-girl, 7-boy, 9-boy) and three adults (two men and one woman); regular shoes for 3 adults (two men and one woman) and children (ages 5-girl, 7-boy, 9-boy); sports shoes for three children (ages 5-girl, 7-boy, 9-boy).
  • Kitchenware: Plates, forks, spoons, sauce pans, and table clothes, etc. More sets of each group of items are preferred.
  • Washroom Ware: towels, toilet paper, paper towel, face clothes, hand and body soaps, etc.
  • Other miscellaneous items: wall pictures for children, cloth hangers, window curtains, car seat and two booster seats.

We are still waiting for the confirmation of arrival of Dau Mark. Please speak to Revd Nathaniel if you would like to join in welcoming them at the airport!

Worship This Week

  • 8.30 Morning Prayer on Tuesday and Friday
  • 9.00 Morning Prayer on Wednesday
  • 5.30 Evening Prayer on Wednesday.

Trinity 13, 2022 – Bulletin



LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.


Congratulations and Blessings to Luka and Johanna on the occasion of their baptism last Sunday!

Congratulations and Blessings to Mervyn on the occasion of the celebration of his 80th birthday! Birthday cake and refreshments will be served in the parish hall following the services.

Blessing and Prayers  for Clara and her children, Myka, Eli, and Luci who will be leaving Regina this Friday to begin an 8 month educational tour of Central America.


Volunteers are needed to shop, prepare, and serve breakfast for the Cathedral Neighborhood Association on Saturday, September 17th. Please speak to Claude or contact the office if you are able to help.

Services during the Mourning of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

  • Wednesday  at 5.30 P.M.Evening Prayer with Readings, Hymns and Prayers.
  • Next Sunday at 7.30 P.M. at St. Paul’s Cathedral: Service of Prayer and Reflection.

Apples. Good eating apples and make great pies. If you want more call Len/Brenda. We have lots. Come pick all you want!

Bishop’s Celebration Event scheduled for this Sunday at St. Paul’s has been cancelled due to the period of mourning for Her Majesty the Queen.

Workbook of Living Prayer. Journey into the adventure of prayer! This six-week course, beginning the week of September 11, offers teaching and strategies for reflection on the nature of prayer.  Meet once a week with others to talk about what you discover about God, yourself, and your relationship with the Holy Trinity.  Speak to Lorna or Beth for details.  Workbooks are available in the church office and cost $11.

Parish Family Meeting will take place after worship on Sunday, September 18th. Please mark your calendars and make every effort to attend for a presentation from the Vestry in regard to the financial challenges facing our parish.

Our 83rd Diocesan Synod is on October 14-16, 2022, at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Regina. Regina folks, are you able to billet a fellow Anglican who lives out of Regina for one or both of these nights? If so, please contact Kate and we will connect you with someone. Thank you!

Parish Garden HarvestThe potatoes from St. Mary’s Garden were harvested this week and delivered to the Community Fridge. Thanks be to God!

Trinity 12, 2022 – Bulletin


September 4, 2022


LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

Celebration of Holy Baptism of Luka and Johanna will take place today to be followed by pot-luck salad lunch!

Continue reading “Trinity 12, 2022 – Bulletin”

Trinity 10, 2022 – Bulletin


August 21, 2022 – 10.30 o’clock

LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

Rector’s Vacation. Claude will be out of the parish from Aug 6-26. For Pastoral emergencies, please contact Revd Winna Martin.

Family Ministries BBQ for Nursery and Worship Centre Families will be held at the home of Starr and Andrew on Saturday, Aug 27 at 5:00 p.m. Please RSVP to Starr.

Youth BBQ will be held at the home of  Claude and Hilary on Sunday, Aug.28. Time: 6:00 p.m.

Celebration of Holy Baptism of Luka and Johanna will take place on  September 4 followed by pot-luck salad lunch.

Workbook of Living Prayer. Journey into the adventure of prayer! This six-week course, beginning the week of September 11, offers teaching and strategies for reflection on the nature of prayer.  Meet once a week with others to talk about what you discover about God, yourself, and your relationship with the Holy Trinity.  Speak to Lorna or Beth for details.  Workbooks are available in the church office and cost $11.

Worship This Week

  • 8.30 Morning Prayer on Tuesday and Friday
  • 9.00 Morning Prayer on Wednesday
  • 5.30 Evening Prayer on Wednesday

Trinity 9, 2022 – Bulletin

The Ninth Sunday After Trinity – August 14, 2022

LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

Rector’s Vacation. Claude will be out of the parish from Aug 6-26. For Pastoral emergencies, please contact Revd Winna Martin.

Congratulations and Blessings to Peter and Iris who are joining us for worship today on the occasion of the celebration of their 60th anniversary of their wedding that took place at ST. Mary’s on August 25, 1962.

Family Ministries BBQ for Nursery and Worship Centre Families will be held at the home of Starr and Andrew on Saturday, Aug 27 at 5:00 p.m. RSVP to Starr.

Youth BBQ will be held at the home of  Claude and Hilary on Sunday, Aug.28. Time: t.b.a.

Celebration of Holy Baptism of Luka and Johanna will take place on  September 4 followed by pot-luck salad lunch.

Workbook of Living Prayer. Journey into the adventure of prayer! This six-week course, beginning the week of September 11, offers teaching and strategies for reflection on the nature of prayer.  Meet once a week with others to talk about what you discover about God, yourself, and your relationship with the Holy Trinity.  Speak to Lorna or Beth for details.  Workbooks are available in the church office and cost $11.

Worship This Week

  • 8.30 Morning Prayer on Tuesday and Friday
  • 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer on Wednesday
  • 5.30 Evening Prayer on Wednesday.