PENTECOST – June 5, 2022
The Feast of Pentecost. In our celebration of the Feast of Pentecost today we will begin with songs and prayers and an opportunity to receive anointing with oil for personal renewal. Today we also celebrate the Baptism of Dante, son of Terrance and Kelsi. Please join us for a garden party with ice cream and cupcakes following the service.
LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.
The Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen’s Elizabeth II. We will end our service today with a prayer for the Queen’s Majesty, and the singing of The Royal Anthem.

An excellent meditation and reflection on the Queen’s reign can be found here:
Memorial Service for Jo Crosby who passed away on April 1 at the age of 101 will be held on Monday, June 6 at 2:00 p.m. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.
Easter Offering. This year St, Mary’s will be allocating $275 from the Easter offering to the purchasing of groceries for one of Regina’s community fridges. A community fridge is a refrigerator located in a public space that enables food to be shared within a community. As the demand for food banks continues to increase, these fridges are an important support for those who may not have enough to feed themselves or their families.

Regina’s three community fridges can be found at
1) 1510 12th Avenue
2) 3037 Dewdney Ave
3) Cathedral Fridge is located on east parking lot of Holy Rosary Cathedral.
If you are able, we encourage you to consider donating.
“If you open your heart to the hungry, and provide abundantly for those who are afflicted, your light will shine in the darkness, and your gloom will be like the noon.” (Isaiah 58:10)
Community Kitchen will meet again next Saturday, June 11th. We will support and prepare meals with participants from 9 to 12 noon. We kindly request volunteers who are fully vaccinated. Please contact Clara. Thank you!
Card of Thanks Norma and Bill would like to thank the St. Mary’s church family and the Hospitality Ministry for hosting their 50th Anniversary Reception. “We received flowers, cards, email messages and phone calls from you. Bill has been part of this parish for 72 years and now I have been a member for 50 years. This is our Church home. Worship, Prayer, Study, Work, Play, Joy, Sorrow, Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings, and Friends – Thanks be to the Lord.”
Bon Voyage. Alan and Jackie are retiring from work in Regina and moving to Kingston, Ontario. We give thanks to them and glory to God for the many gifts they brought to our parish of St. Mary’s, and wish them Godspeed.
Morning Prayer
- Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:30 am
- Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
Evening Prayer
- Wednesday at 5:30 pm.