Baptism of the Lord, 2023 – Bulletin




10:00 A.M. MORNING PRAYER (Prayer book pp. 6-15.)   (Psalm 87,93, Isaiah 49:1-13, Luke 3:15-22)

10:30 A.M.  HOLY COMMUNION (Prayer Book pp. 67- 85)

LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

St. Mary’s Epiphany Service and Party was held on Friday night, with Holy Communion, Pot Luck, and Arrival of the Wise-Men!

Refugee Family Update.
The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has comfirmed the arrival of the refugee family in Regina on January 18, 2023 at 13:47 (1:47 pm). Please note the change in time and date from the previous date and time communicated to the congregation. The IRCC has revised the flight schedule and sent this new update today Friday January 6, 2023 so I am writing to confirm the new information.

We thank God for the protection throughout this journey and pray for the safe journey from Uganda to Regina of the refugee family: Mapiou Deng Arok, Ahou Bol Thon, Arok Mapiou, Ayak Mapiou, and Arok Deng.  

Please let Nathaniel know if you are planning on going to the Regina International Airport to welcome the refugee family. We will meet at their new apartment at 12:00 for a short prayer, finalize transportation arrangements, and write up some welcoming signs before we head to the airport to welcome the refugee family. The family are five so we need at least two cars to transport them home. My car will take the three children and one adult, but we need one other space from a different car for one adult. 

Note from Clara. 
Dear St Mary’s Church, Thank you for your continuous prayers for our journey as well as the online services reminding us of home.  Myka, Eli, Lucy and I are currently spending Christmas and New Year’s in Costa Rica with friends while Emma has decided to return to Guatemala for a few months. we have been keeping healthy and plan on heading to Colombia in February. Thank you again for all your blessings and we look forward to attending church in person when we return this summer. Love, Clara and family.

2023 Pledge forms have been mailed out. In order to assist the Vestry in budgeting for the next year, you are asked to please fill out the form and return it to the church office or by placing it in the collection plate. Alternatively, you may submit your pledge immediately on our website.

2023 Envelopes. Boxes of weekly and monthly donation envelopes are now available for pick up on the table on the landing. If you don’t see your name on a box and would like to become a receive church envelopes, please tell Blair and he will make the appropriate arrangements. Giving via direct debit is also available.  (See instructions here.)

Worship This Week

Morning Prayer

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:30 am
  • Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

Evening Prayer 

  • Wednesday at 5:30 pm. followed by pot luck supper in the Upper Hall. 

Baptism of the Lord, 2023 – Holy Communion

(Modified 2023-01-08: Added audio recordings)

Audio recording of full service including sermon
Audio recording of sermon only


January 8, 2023


10:00 A.M. MORNING PRAYER (Prayer book pp. 6-15.)   (Psalm 87,93, Isaiah 49:1-13, Luke 3:15-22)

10:30 A.M.  HOLY COMMUNION (Prayer Book pp. 67- 85) 

ORGAN PRELUDE:   Bethlehem Lullaby – Malcolm Archer (b. 1952)


Continue reading “Baptism of the Lord, 2023 – Holy Communion”

Octave of Christmas and the Circumcision of Christ, 2023 – Bulletin



Today At St. Mary’s



GODLY PLAY in the Children’s Worship Centre for children 3 – 6 years. 

LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

2023 Pledge forms have been mailed out. In order to assist the Vestry in budgeting for the next year, you are asked to please fill out the form and return it to the church office or by placing it in the collection plate. Alternatively, you may submit your pledge immediately on our website.

2023 Envelopes. Boxes of weekly and monthly donation envelopes are now available for pick up on the table on the landing. If you don’t see your name on a box and would like to become a receive church envelopes, please tell Blair, and he will make the appropriate arrangements. Giving via direct debit is also available. (See instructions here.)

Twelfth Night: Epiphany Celebration

Friday, January 6, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

Holy Communion followed by pot-luck supper and all age party in the Parish Hall.

Kindly R.S.V.P. to the parish office to let us know you are coming.

Octave of Christmas and the Circumcision of Christ, 2023 – Holy Communion

(Modified 2023-01-08 (whoops I forgot to do this last week!) Added audio recordings.)

Audio recording of full service including sermon
Audio recording of sermon only


January 1, 2023

10:00 A.M. MORNING PRAYER (Prayer book pp. 6-15.)   (Psalm 85,113, Genesis 17:1-13, Romans 2:17-end)

10:30 A.M.  HOLY COMMUNION AND CAROLS OF CHRISTMAS (Prayer Book pp. 67- 85) 

GODLY PLAY in the Children’s Worship Centre for children 3 – 6 years. 

ORGAN PRELUDE: Little Jesus, Sweetly Sleep (Czechoslovakian Carol) – Arranged by Andrew Gant (b. 1964)


Opening: # 136 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks

Continue reading “Octave of Christmas and the Circumcision of Christ, 2023 – Holy Communion”

Christmas Eve, 2022 – Bulletin

CHRISTMAS EVE December 24, 2022


Christmas Services at St. Mary’s:

December 24th Christmas

December 25th Christmas Day

  • 10.00 a.m. Morning Prayer
  • 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion with Carols of Christmas

January 1, 2013 Octave Day of Christmas and Circumcision of Christ

  • 10.00 a.m. Morning Prayer
  • 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion with Carols of Christmas                               

January 6, 2023, Feast of the Epiphany

  • 6:00 p.m. Holy Communion with Carols of Christmas followed by pot luck supper and all-age Twelfth Night Party in the Parish Hall.

Parish Life Notes

The Rector’s Christmas Message is available > here <.

The Christmas Gift to the Rector made be made using the special Christmas offering envelopes or cheques made out to Rev. Claude Schroeder may be placed in the offering plate at our Christmas services.

2023 Envelopes Boxes of weekly and monthly donation envelopes are now available for pick up from the table on the landing. If you don’t see your name on a box and would like to become a regular donor, please tell Blair and he will make the appropriate arrangements. 

St. Mary’s Hand-dipped Beeswax Wax Candles make an excellent Christmas gift or stocking-stuffer. Available after worship today at a cost of $6.00 pair.

Christmas Eve, 2022 – Sermon

(Modified 2022-12-28: Added audio recording of this sermon)

Audio recording of this sermon

St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church, Christmas Eve, December 24,2022 Canon Claude Schroeder

I think that we all owe a huge debt of gratitude to Charles Schulz, the author of the Peanuts comic strip, because if  you ever you were looking for evidence in our time for the existence of a good and gracious God, I think you need look no further than “Charlie Brown Christmas.”

Continue reading “Christmas Eve, 2022 – Sermon”

Christmas Eve, 2022 – Holy Communion

(Modified 2022-12-28: Added audio recordings)

Audio recording of full service including sermon

Link to text and audio of the Christmas Eve sermon


DECEMBER 24, 2022



Organ Prelude

The Ringing of the Bell. 

Entrance of the Ministers. Please stand.

The Christmas Anthems

BEHOLD a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, / and shall call his name Immanuel.
Isaiah 7. 14.

Unto us a child is born, / unto us a son is given. Isaiah 9. 6.

In this was manifested the love of God toward us, / because that God sent his only-begotten Son into the world that we might live through him. 1 St John 4. 9.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, / who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Ephesians 1. 3.

GLORY be to the Father, and to the Son, / and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, / world without end. 

Hymn in Procession: O Come All ye Faithful  

Continue reading “Christmas Eve, 2022 – Holy Communion”

Advent 4, 2022 – Bulletin


December 18, 2022


LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

Christmas Services at St. Mary’s:

  • December 24th Christmas Eve: 8.00 p.m. Holy Communion with Carols of Christmas
  • December 25th Christmas Day: 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion with Carols of Christmas

The Christmas Gift to the Rector made be made using the special Christmas offering envelopes or cheques made out to Rev. Claude Schroeder may be placed in the offering plate at our Christmas services.

2023 Envelopes Boxes of weekly and monthly donation envelopes are now available for pick up. Please grab yours from the table on the landing. If you don’t see your name on a box and would like to become a regular donor, please tell Blair and he will make the appropriate arrangements. 

St. Mary’s Hand-dipped Beeswax Wax Candles make an excellent Christmas gift or stocking-stuffer. Available after worship today at a cost of $6.00 pair.

Christmas Concert featuring local musicians and performing classical repertoire will be held at St. Mary’s on Wednesday, December 21 at 7.30 p.m. All are welcome and invited!

Update from Vestry

Vestry met on Sunday Nov. 27.  Topics for discussion included reporting in on the regular life of the parish, an update from the Refugee Sponsorship Committee, and the state of parish finances.  Here are some highlights:

  • Giving thanks for ongoing preparations for the St. Nicholas Day Festival, the Lessons and Carols service on Saturday Dec. 17th, and our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services.  Thanks so much to everyone who has helped with the planning and preparation for these events!
  • Claude met with Bishop Helen in November to discuss parish life.
  • The Mapiou Deng Arok family will arrive in Regina on January 17th!  Since we were originally expecting them to arrive in October, we have had to continue paying rent on their home October through December.  We are grateful to the Diocese for approving this expense, as the house is a very good situation for the family, and has already been furnished.  We will arrange a greeting party for the family in the new year!
  • Vestry passed a motion that any proceeds from the St. Nicholas Day Festival will be divided as follows: 50% to St. Mary’s general revenue fund, 25% to CityKidz, and 25% to the Marian Centre.
  • Vestry also passed a motion that this year’s Christmas offering will be given to Claude and Hilary.

Update on Parish Finances.

As of November 30, we have a total income of $155,593.18 and year-to-date total expenses of $178,789.98, for a net operating loss of -$23,196.80. This is not good, but it is better than the -$34,000.00 deficit we were projecting in the summer.  This is largely due to the generous giving of parishioners, so thank you.

Vestry will be finalizing and voting on our 2023 budget in January.  We appreciate your prayers as we seek God’s wisdom and his will for St. Mary’s.  The budget will be presented at the Annual Parish Meeting in February.

As the Churchwardens, Beth and Mary will be organizing our annual request for pledges from the congregation in January.  Gathering as much information as we can on your giving plans for the year helps the Vestry to create an honest and accurate budget for the church.  Look for a letter in the mail from Beth and Mary in the coming days, and please consider carefully what you can give to St. Mary’s in 2023. Pledge forms will be available online through the church website and paper forms will also be available.  We greatly appreciate your contribution to the planning process.

Giving Thanks

We give thanks to God for all the signs of life at St. Mary’s that point to the wonder of our life together as the Body of Christ.  We are thankful for Anya as she prepares for her confirmation.  We are thankful for the wonderful time we had welcoming friends and guests to St Mary’s for the St. Nicholas Day Festival, and for everyone who pitched in to make the day a success.  We are thankful for the continued health and safety of the Mapiou Deng Arok family as they look forward to their new life with us starting in January.  In a season that emphasizes preparation as we await the coming of our Saviour, we are grateful that we prepare and wait with you!  Thank you for making our church family the blessing that it is.

On behalf of St. Mary’s Vestry

Worship This Week

Morning Prayer

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:30 am
  • Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

Evening Prayer 

  • Wednesday at 5:30 pm. 

Advent 4, 2022 – Holy Communion

(Modified 2022-12-18: Added audio recordings)

Audio recording of full service including sermon
Audio recording of sermon only


December 18, 2022

Organ Prelude: Ricercar pro Tempore Adventus super Initium Cantilenae:  Ave Maria klare Ricercar for time of Advent, on the beginning of the song, “Hail Mary Pure” – Johann Kasper Ferdinand Fischer (1650-1746)


Leader:  When the LORD brought back the exiles of Zion,
People:   We thought we were dreaming.                                                                                                             

Leader: Then was our mouth filled with laughter;
People:  On our tongues, songs of joy.

Leader:  Bring back our exiles, O LORD!
People:  As streams in the south.                                                                                                                            

Leader: Those who are sowing in tears
People:  Will sing when they reap.

Leader: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost                                                                     People: Bring back our exiles, O LORD as streams in the south.

THE HYMN: # 106 There’s a Voice in the Wilderness

Continue reading “Advent 4, 2022 – Holy Communion”