Trinity 12, 2022 – Morning Prayer and Baptism

(Modified 2021-09-04: Added audio recordings)

Audio recording of full service including sermon
Audio recording of sermon only


SEPTEMBER 4, 202210.30 o’clock

Organ Prelude: Meditation on Beach Spring   from The Sacred Harp – Arranged by Hugh S. Livingston, Jr. (1945-2014)

THE HYMN: #560 God Whose Almighty Word

Continue reading “Trinity 12, 2022 – Morning Prayer and Baptism”

Trinity 11, 2022 – Sermon

(Modified 2022-08-28: Added audio recording)

Sermon: August 28, 2022: Jeremiah 2:4-13. Rev. Nathaniel Athian Deng Mayen

Audio recording of this sermon

What wrong (evil) did your fathers (ancestors) find in me that they went far from me, and went after worthless things (idols)and became worthless themselves? Jer. 2:5.

This important question comes directly from the Lord (Yahweh) to the hearers, the audience who listen to Jeremiah’s preaching of the living word of Yahweh. As a result, we who are here at St. Mary and everyone who believes in Yahweh must wrestle with this question. It is at the heart of the identity of Israel, as the covenant people with early devotion in Yahweh (Jer. 2:1-3), and the identity of the church, whose sole mission is God’s love and justice to the world.

Continue reading “Trinity 11, 2022 – Sermon”

Trinity 10, 2022 – Sermon

Audio recording of this sermon

Freedom at last! This is the commonest slogan in different nations struggling for independence from the oppressors. We hear and admire the slogan because it is at the heart of individual freedom, the most valued commodity in our culture.

Therefore, when we read Jesus announcing freedom to the woman, “Woman, you are set free from your ailment” (Luke 13:12), and laying his hands on her so that she immediately “stood up straight and began praising God” (Lk. 13:13), we understand individual freedom is a free gift from God. 

However, strong opposition resulted from the religious leaders who were concerned about the healing of the woman on the Sabbath. Interesting enough, instead of facing Jesus and questioning him directly, the leader of the Synagogue turns to the crowd for validation of the accusation against Jesus.

Continue reading “Trinity 10, 2022 – Sermon”

Trinity 10, 2022 – Bulletin


August 21, 2022 – 10.30 o’clock

LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

Rector’s Vacation. Claude will be out of the parish from Aug 6-26. For Pastoral emergencies, please contact Revd Winna Martin.

Family Ministries BBQ for Nursery and Worship Centre Families will be held at the home of Starr and Andrew on Saturday, Aug 27 at 5:00 p.m. Please RSVP to Starr.

Youth BBQ will be held at the home of  Claude and Hilary on Sunday, Aug.28. Time: 6:00 p.m.

Celebration of Holy Baptism of Luka and Johanna will take place on  September 4 followed by pot-luck salad lunch.

Workbook of Living Prayer. Journey into the adventure of prayer! This six-week course, beginning the week of September 11, offers teaching and strategies for reflection on the nature of prayer.  Meet once a week with others to talk about what you discover about God, yourself, and your relationship with the Holy Trinity.  Speak to Lorna or Beth for details.  Workbooks are available in the church office and cost $11.

Worship This Week

  • 8.30 Morning Prayer on Tuesday and Friday
  • 9.00 Morning Prayer on Wednesday
  • 5.30 Evening Prayer on Wednesday

Trinity 9, 2022 – Sermon

SERMON –For St. Mary’s Anglican – Aug 14,2022

TEXTS:  Isaiah 5:1-7, Psalm 80: 1,2 & 8-18, Hebrews 11:29- 40 and Luke 12:49-56

Audio recording of this sermon

Opening prayer:  Let the words of my mouth…

By Faith

Nero Claudius was the Emperor of the Roman Empire from 37 AD to 54 AD. During his time as the ruler in Rome, the Empire had control over all the nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Nero’s authority stretched from Spain in the west to Turkey and Egypt in the east and thus included France, Italy, Greece and all the countries on the northern edge of the continent of Africa. Roman garrisons, governors and administrative officials extended far and wide.  

At the same time that Nero held this incredible position of power and was seen almost like a god, there was another historical figure although much smaller in terms of his political power or influence.  This man was Saul who soon after his encounter with Jesus, became known as Paul and it was he who carried the message of the gospel to various parts of the Empire. Paul though did not seek political power but devoted himself to talking about God and about God sending his son Jesus to die for sins of the world.  This is not the stuff that brings you political power or even makes you popular. The suffering he endured was incredible and in the end he died, it is believed, in Rome, perhaps as a result of Emperor Nero’s policies in regard to these lowly Christians.

Continue reading “Trinity 9, 2022 – Sermon”

Trinity 9, 2022 – Bulletin

The Ninth Sunday After Trinity – August 14, 2022

LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.

Parish Life Notes

Rector’s Vacation. Claude will be out of the parish from Aug 6-26. For Pastoral emergencies, please contact Revd Winna Martin.

Congratulations and Blessings to Peter and Iris who are joining us for worship today on the occasion of the celebration of their 60th anniversary of their wedding that took place at ST. Mary’s on August 25, 1962.

Family Ministries BBQ for Nursery and Worship Centre Families will be held at the home of Starr and Andrew on Saturday, Aug 27 at 5:00 p.m. RSVP to Starr.

Youth BBQ will be held at the home of  Claude and Hilary on Sunday, Aug.28. Time: t.b.a.

Celebration of Holy Baptism of Luka and Johanna will take place on  September 4 followed by pot-luck salad lunch.

Workbook of Living Prayer. Journey into the adventure of prayer! This six-week course, beginning the week of September 11, offers teaching and strategies for reflection on the nature of prayer.  Meet once a week with others to talk about what you discover about God, yourself, and your relationship with the Holy Trinity.  Speak to Lorna or Beth for details.  Workbooks are available in the church office and cost $11.

Worship This Week

  • 8.30 Morning Prayer on Tuesday and Friday
  • 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer on Wednesday
  • 5.30 Evening Prayer on Wednesday.