Easter 2, 2022 – Bulletin

The Sunday after Easter

April 24, 2022


LIVE VIDEO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded video will be available following worship.


A big thank you to Reverend Paula for being with us these past six months. You have guided us by your enthusiasm and kindness and being present and available to the needs of the congregation. It has been a busy and challenging time. All that you have done for St. Mary’s is truly appreciated. We wish you God’s Blessing on the next chapter of your journey. You are always welcome to come back for a visit.

COVID update Please consider wearing your mask and please continue to sanitize your hands upon arrival and for receiving communion.

Morning Prayer is happening Tuesdays to Fridays at 8:30 am, and Evening Prayer is happening on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm.  

For Pastoral emergencies please call the Synod Office (306) 522-1608.

Easter 2, 2022 – Holy Communion

(Modified 2022-04-24: Added audio recording of service)


Doubting Thomas Doubting Thomas Devian Art Coloring Pages

APRIL 24, 2022 – 10.30 o’clock


10:00 A.M. MORNING PRAYER (Prayer book pp. 6-15.)  (Ps.146, 147; Exodus 14:5-22; 1 John 1:1-7)

10:30 A.M.  HOLY COMMUNION (Prayer Book pp. 67- 85) 

GODLY PLAY in the Children’s Worship Centre for children 3 – 6 years. Story for April 24 is ‘Jesus is Risen: Appearance to Mary Magdalene’ John 20:11-18. 

Organ Prelude: Blessed are Ye, Faithful Souls – Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

Audio recording of full service including sermon

THE HYMN: # 212 Alleluia!  The Strife Is O’er

Continue reading “Easter 2, 2022 – Holy Communion”

Easter 2022 – Bulletin

Easter Day

April 17, 2022


LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.


COVID update Please consider wearing your mask and please continue to sanitize your hands upon arrival and for receiving communion.

Morning Prayer is happening Tuesdays to Fridays at 8:30 am, and Evening Prayer is happening on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm.  

Soul’s Harbour has not had volunteers working with its supper time food program  for two years, due to COVID.  The program will up and running beginning in May and they are looking for volunteers.  
Previously we supplied about 4 people once a month for a 3 hour shift.  This program provides a huge service for people in Regina who otherwise have limited access to a solid, nourishing meal.  
If you would like to join the St. Mary’s volunteers for this important outreach effort, please contact Nat. Thank you for considering helping Soul’s Harbour and the important work they do.

Church garden Do you still remember our beautiful garden from last year? Please remember to donate seeds, plants and flowers so we can hopefully start planting in mid or late May. For more information, please contact Yvonne in the church office Wednesday through Friday. Thank you!

Easter 2022 – Holy Communion

(Modified 2021-04-18: Added recording of this service)

Easter 2022 – Holy Communion

The Resurrection of the Lord: Easter Sunday

April 17, 2022 10:30 am


10:00 A.M.  MORNING PRAYER (Prayer book pp. 6-15.)  (Ps.148, 149,150; Exodus 12:1-14; John 1:1-18)

10:30 A.M.  HOLY COMMUNION (Prayer Book pp. 67- 85) 

GODLY PLAY in the Children’s Worship Centre for children 3 – 6 years. 

Organ Prelude: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
George Frederick Handel (1685-1759) Arranged by Alan Ridout (1934-1996)


Continue reading “Easter 2022 – Holy Communion”

Easter 2022 – Sermon

Acts 10:34-43​
Psalm 118:1-2,14-24​​
1 Cor.  15:19-26
John 20:1-18
​​April 17, 2022
​ St. Mary’s Regina
Easter Day
Year C
Revd. Paula Foster

Alleluia!  He is Risen, the Lord is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!   That’s our shout, our cry, our joyous exclamation today.  Three days after He died, the tomb is empty…..our Lord Jesus is risen!  It’s amazing, it’s baffling,  and yet it’s unbelievably true.  We celebrate The Resurrection of Jesus  along side millions of Christians throughout the world today.  We all know the story,..most of us have heard it all our lives, but do you believe it? Does it make you stop and think about your life and the way you live? What do you believe about God and about Jesus…about the cross……and about the empty tomb?  (Pause)

Continue reading “Easter 2022 – Sermon”

Good Friday 2022 – Sermon

Good Friday is the most significant day that we remember or reflect on the only moment when humanity and God were reconciled in a drastic process of love, forgiveness of sin, and the death of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God whose ministry has revealed God to humanity. 

This is even a simplistic representation of the theme of the cross for us because Christians have no consensus on how the death of Christ has reconciled us to God or led to the forgiveness of our sins. After reading William Placher’s book, Jesus the Saviour, this week I was struck by his remarkable discovery: “the Christian tradition has never taken an ‘official’ position on how Christ’s death helps save us” (p. 113). For this reason, John Calvin has acknowledged a plurality of possibilities: “If the death of Christ be our redemption, then we were captives; if it be satisfaction, we were debtors; if it be atonement (reconciliation), we were guilty; if it be cleansing, we were unclean” (113, emphasis added). 

I would like us to approach our preaching today through the atonement (reconciliation) perspective, in view of the same theme in Leviticus 16 (I encourage you to read this chapter at your free time).

Continue reading “Good Friday 2022 – Sermon”

Maundy Thursday, 2022 – Sermon

Maundy Thursday   St. Mary’s Regina    Rvd. Paula Foster

April 14, 2022

​This is a holy, sacred time and a holy, sacred place.   This time and place are both holy and sacred because of two gifts that God has given each one of us.  The first of these gifts is the ability to remember.  What would we be if we could not remember the events, people and places we encounter in our lives?  We’d be only creatures who react out of instinct for self-preservation like any other animal.  

​But because we CAN remember, we are not just creatures of the present, but people with a past and memories that influence, guide and shape our lives in the present and for the future.  We remember the joys and the sorrows of our upbringing, of our growing up and going out into the world.  At a deeply fundamental level, our memories root us and help us define who we are as people.  We become separated from ourselves without our memory and that is part of the tragedy of diseases that destroy our ability to remember.  

Continue reading “Maundy Thursday, 2022 – Sermon”