Sunday Before Advent, 2021 – Sermon

(Modified 2021-11-21: Added audio recording)

Audio recording of this sermon

Let us pray.  Lord, have mercy upon us.  I wanted to begin by asking for mercy from our king, because this Jesus we are talking about today in our readings is hard to wrap our minds around.

This is the last Sunday of the year.  Did you know that?  Next week, November 28th, is the first Sunday of Advent.  It is the start of a new liturgical season.  We will change all our colours to purple.  We will hang our Advent wreath, and start singing Advent hymns.  Even the canticles in Morning Prayer change.  But beyond moving into a new liturgical season, we also begin the new liturgical year.  Our cycle of Scripture, and prayer, and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ begins anew.

This day, the final Sunday of the old year, is known as Reign of Christ Sunday, or Christ the King in Catholic and Lutheran churches.  We have these gorgeous Scripture readings full of the majesty and glory of Jesus.  In Daniel’s vision, we see the Ancient of Days, too bright to look at, like the sun, sitting in His throne room, surrounded by multitudes, and preparing to sit in judgement on the whole universe.  And one like a son of man approaches the Ancient of Days and is welcomed into His presence, and he is “given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshipped him.  His domain is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.”

Continue reading “Sunday Before Advent, 2021 – Sermon”

Remembrance, 2021 – Bulletin


November 14, 2021.



10.00 A.M.

10.30 A.M.


HOLY COMMUNIONPaula Foster preaching

GODLY PLAY in the Worship Centre for children 3-6. Today’s story is ‘Exile and Return’ Ezra 1:2-4. Leader: Heidi.



The Vestry of St. Mary requests the congregation to help with diagnosis and treatment of Ayen, sister to Yar and sister in-law to Nathaniel. Ayen lives in a Ugandan camp with her six young children and husband. Ayen was living a normal life as a loving and caring mother until August 2021 when she experienced some dizziness and suddenly lost her eye sight. Ayen has tried to seek medical treatment through the financial  help of Yar and Nathaniel but things continued to worsen. Ayen is currently guided by a child to walk around because she cannot see. Based on the estimate provided, the medical intervention, diagnosis and treatment will cost $2,000. One St. Mary’s friend has already donated $300, and we appeal to the congregation to help raise the remaining balance of $1,700. Please submit your donation to the parish so that you can receive a tax receipt and make accounting manageable. Once the parish has received the donations, arrangements  be made with Yar and Nathaniel to send the moment to Ayen in a Ugandan refugee camp.  Your prayer and generous support will be greatly appreciated.

Attached is the photo for Ayen (in yellow) and her four children. The two sons appear a separate photo. Ayen has six children.


Tuesday to Friday

Morning Prayer at 8.30 a.m. and
Evening Prayer at 5.30 p.m.

Remembrance, 2021 – Sermon

(Modified 2021-11-14 Added audio recording of this sermon)

Daniel 12:1-3
Psalm 16
Hebrews 10:11-25
Mark 13:1-8

 November 14,2021
St. Mary’s Regina
Proper 33
Year B

Audio recording of this sermon

Have you ever been afraid of something?  When I was a child, I was really afraid of the dark and of cockroaches. (pause) and truthfully, they both still bother me.  There are cockroaches in El Paso, Texas (where I come from)…. BIG BUGS that inhabit cool, dark places like garages, cupboards, and basements and they scurry around at night in particular, which may have aggravated my fear of the dark.  I hate being around them… I hate it when they startle me…. it doesn’t make any difference that I am a hundred times bigger then they are…. when one scurries across my path, my heart pounds, adrenaline rushes through my body and I instantly want to run the other way.  Don’t even suggest that I simply step on it and kill it. The crunchy, splatty sound they make underneath my foot makes my skin crawl. I have tried over the years to talk myself out of this fear, but the last time I was home, I had to steel myself every time I had to walk into the garage, because I KNEW that there might be a roach out there.  It was a great relief for me as I began my northern migration, to realize that there aren’t as many cockroaches up here as there are in El Paso because Cockroaches frighten me.

Continue reading “Remembrance, 2021 – Sermon”

All Saints, 2021 – Bulletin


November 7, 2021



10.00 AM
10.30 AM

HOLY COMMUNION. Nathaniel Deng Mayen preaching
GODLY PLAY in the Worship Centre for children 3-6. Today’s story is ‘Elisha and the Room’ 2 Kings 4:8-37. 


WARM WELCOME to Revd. Paula Foster who is beginning her ministry today.


The Vestry of St. Mary requests the congregation to help with diagnosis and treatment of Ayen, sister to Yar and sister in-law to Nathaniel. Ayen lives in a Ugandan camp with her six young children and husband. Ayen was living a normal life as a loving and caring mother until August 2021 when she experienced some dizziness and suddenly lost her eye sight. Ayen has tried to seek medical treatment through the financial  help of Yar and Nathaniel but things continued to worsen. Ayen is currently guided by a child to walk around because she cannot see. Based on the estimate provided, the medical intervention, diagnosis and treatment will cost $2,000. One St. Mary’s friend has already donated $300, and we appeal to the congregation to help raise the remaining balance of $1,700. Please submit your donation to the parish so that you can receive a tax receipt and make accounting manageable. Once the parish has received the donations, arrangements  be made with Yar and Nathaniel to send the moment to Ayen in a Ugandan refugee camp.  Your prayer and generous support will be greatly appreciated.

Attached is the photo for Ayen (in yellow) and her four children. The two sons appear a separate photo. Ayen has six children.


Tuesday to Friday

Morning Prayer at 8.30 a.m. and
Evening Prayer at 5.30 p.m.

All Saints, 2021 – Sermon

(Modified 2021-11-07: Added audio recording of this sermon.)

Sermon. All Saints Sunday November 6, 2021. St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church, Regina. Nathaniel Athian Deng Mayen.

Audio recording of this sermon

Today we are celebrating the great and wonderful Feast of All Saints, or as it used to be called, “The Feast of All Hallows”, from which we get the word ‘Hallowe’en’. 

Rather than doing scary things, I would like to give a brief summary of the readings before we talk about the concept of the ‘communion of the saints’ and its significance to our faith.

In Isaiah 25:6-9, we read about God’s deliverance of the faithful from the oppressive regimes of the world, that is, sin and death. It is from the Scripture such as this that suffering, persecution and martyrdom, the blood shed for the sake of our faith in Christ, are considered signs of sainthood in ancient Christian theology and teaching. We suffer and die now on earth in hope that our faith will be accredited righteousness in the new life to come with Christ.

Continue reading “All Saints, 2021 – Sermon”

Trinity 22, 2021 – Bulletin


OCTOBER 31, 2021.



  • 10.00 A.M.  MORNING PRAYER.
  • 10.30 A.M. HOLY COMMUNIONHenry preaching
  • 10.30 A.M. GODLY PLAY  in the Worship Centre for children 3-6. 

LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.


WARM WELCOME to Revd. Paula Foster who has begun worshipping with us in preparation for the beginning her ministry on All Saints Sunday, November 7.

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT! We give thanks and praise to God and rejoice with Terrance and Kelsi, on the birth of their son Dante Lucien Reign, and brother to Aelyn on Wednesday morning. May God grant him many years!

CONSECRATION SERVICE. Dean Mike Sinclair has announced that the Consecration of Bishop Elect Helen Kennedy will take place on January 22, 2022 at St. Paul’s Cathedral.


Vestry met on Tuesday, October 26th.  The following are highlights from the meeting.

  1. Financial update (January – September): 
Jan-SeptBudgeted Jan-Dec% of Budget
Total Income$147,137.40$201,507.0073.0%
Total Expenses$155,730.97$209,442.0074.4%
Net Income-$8,593.57-$10,951.0078.5%
  1. We are grateful to Jennifer for sharing her musical gifts and worshipping with us this month.  We are in conversation with Jennifer about coming on board as our new organist on a full time basis.  We will update the congregation on this as events progress.
  2. Kathy’s Kitchen, the food service business that rents our lower hall kitchen, has agreed to provide food for funeral teas at St. Mary’s in the future for $2.50 a plate.  This amount only covers Kathy’s costs, and so she will be joining in our ministry of hospitality to bereaved families by donating her time and talent for the enrichment of our community.  We are grateful to Kathy for agreeing to partner with St. Mary’s in this important ministry.
  3. Nathaniel has included in today’s Parish Life Notes a request for our assistance for Yar’s sister Ayen in Uganda.  Please join us in praying for Ayen and her family, that God would heal her body, and meet all their needs.  Please consider if you are able to offer financial assistance to Ayen in seeking medical attention in the city.
  4. Our children’s ministry at St. Mary’s is largely on hold right now because of the pandemic and changes in leadership.  Please pray for discernment for our children’s ministry going forward.  What is God calling us into for our kids?
  5. We are grateful to the Refugee sponsorship committee for all their hard work, and to the congregation for their generosity.  We have raised all the funds required by the Government of Canada to bring Deng and Elizabeth’s family to Canada!  Praise God!  We are now only waiting on the Government to finish processing their application.  
  6. Our thoughts and prayers are with the members of our congregation who are experiencing ill health at this time.  Please pray with us for God’s healing and provision in their lives.  If you are looking for ways to help, please call Yvonne in the church office.
  7. Need for volunteers – Please consider if God is calling you to a new ministry at St. Mary’s.  As we discern what God has for our church going forward, we will need volunteers for our Children’s Ministry, for our Refugee Committee, and to help out with funerals.  If you would like to help with any of these ministries, please be in touch with the Wardens, Beth and Mary.
  8. We pray for a safe and happy sabbatical for Claude and Hilary, and we look forward to their return to us in May 2022.


 The Vestry of St. Mary requests the congregation to help with diagnosis and treatment of Ayen, sister to Yar and sister in-law to Nathaniel. Ayen lives in a Ugandan camp with her six young children and husband. Ayen was living a normal life as a loving and caring mother until August 2021 when she experienced some dizziness and suddenly lost her eye sight. Ayen has tried to seek medical treatment through the financial  help of Yar and Nathaniel but things continued to worsen. Ayen is currently guided by a child to walk around because she cannot see. Based on the estimate provided, the medical intervention, diagnosis and treatment will cost $2,000. One St. Mary’s friend has already donated $300, and we appeal to the congregation to help raise the remaining balance of $1,700. Please submit your donation to the parish and identify the gift with   “Ayen Appeal” so that you can receive a tax receipt and make accounting manageable. Once the parish has received the donations, arrangements  will be made with Yar and Nathaniel to send the money to Ayen in a Ugandan refugee camp.  Your prayer and generous support will be greatly appreciated. 

Attached is the photo for Ayen (in yellow) and her four children. The two sons appear a separate photo. Ayen has six children.


Tuesday to Friday:  

  • Morning Prayer at 8.30 a.m. and
  • Evening Prayer at 5.30 p.m.