(Modified 2021-04-04: Replaced live stream player with recorded service)
The Resurrection Of The Lord: Easter Sunday

April 4, 2021 – 10.30 o’clock
St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church, Regina, Saskatchewan
(Modified 2021-04-04: Replaced live stream player with recorded service)
The Resurrection Of The Lord: Easter Sunday
April 4, 2021 – 10.30 o’clock
(Modified 2021-04-04: Added audio recording of sermon.)
St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church, Easter Sunday, April4, 2021
Revd. Canon Claude Schroeder
It was 8.30 in the morning on April 16, 1927 that a police officer and his wife welcomed their third and youngest child, a boy, into the world in their home at 11 Schulstasse, in the tiny village of Marktl-an -Inn, in Bavaria, Germany. The police officer’s name was Joseph and his wife’s name was Maria, or Mary, and they named their son, Joseph Aloisius.
April 16, 1927 was a Saturday morning, but not just any Saturday. It was Holy Saturday, the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, the day after the Son of God was tortured and executed on a Cross, when His Body lay buried in the tomb.
That same day, Joseph and Maria brought their son to the church to be baptized at the Easter Vigil ceremonies, a providential connection in that as he was born at 8.30 in the morning, and at that time the anticipated liturgy was also celebrated in the morning. Having emerged from the womb of his mother, to be born in the flesh, he would emerge almost immediately from the womb of the Church to be born anew by ‘water and the spirit’, through the waters of baptism. As a result, the first full day of Joseph’s life, both on earth and in the Church…was Easter.
Small wonder that Joseph Aloisius would one day become Pope Benedict XVI.
Continue reading “Easter 2021 – Sermon”(Modified 2021-04-02: Added recordings of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday service.)
“Spy Wednesday” is one of the traditional titles given to this day at the centre of Holy Week. This was the day Judas met with members of the Sanhedrin in order to betray Jesus to them in exchange for 30 pieces of silver. As the Gospel tells us, “From then on he began looking for a good opportunity to betray Jesus.” (Matthew 24.16)
For a second year in a row, circumstances have conspired to prevent and constrict us from gathering together as a parish family to celebrate the mystery of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday are properly understood as one church service that stretches over three days, and stands at the heart of our Christian faith and life as a parish community. In an effort to connect us, we will be broadcasting live audio of the upcoming services from St. Mary’s:
Maundy Thursday 5.30 p.m.
Holy Communion with Hymns and Sermon
(Sorry the live stream didn’t work, but here’s the recording, and the text of Beth’s sermon.)
Good Friday 12.00 p.m.
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion with Hymns and Sermon
Easter Sunday 10.30 a.m.
Holy Communion with Hymns and Sermon
For those staying at home, please tune in live at these times to join us in prayer and worship, using this player during each of these services:
Those who desiring and able to attend “in-person” please register at this link:
With every prayer and blessing,
Claude +
Here are the registration links for in-person services in Holy Week
March 28, 2021
10.30 A.M. Morning Prayer with Hymns and Sermon.
Claude Schroeder preaching.
GODLY PLAY for children 3-6 years via Zoom. Today’s story is ‘Lent-The Upper Room / Jesus the King’ Matthew 26:26-28; John 12:12-13.
FAITHQUEST (for children 7-13 via zoom).
GLORY TO GOD, and CONGRATULATIONS AND BLESSINGS to Andrew and Starr on the birth of their daughter, Astrid Joy, on Thursday, March 18th. May God grant her many years!
BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION SERVICE with Bishop Rob will take place on Holy Saturday at 7:00 p.m. Please remember Derek in your prayers this week, as he unites Himself to Jesus, and is received into the Communion of the Church. If you wish to attend this service, please speak to the Rector.
*LIVE* AUDIO STREAMING of today’s service will attempted today! To access the live audio, use the special player on the Morning Prayer service page during the service.
*IN PERSON* SUNDAY WORSHIP . Please register ahead of time if you desire to attend the Sunday service at St. Mary’s, and observe public health protocols. AUDIO RECORDING of the service, and sermon will also be posted on the parish web-site following today’s service.
PALM CROSSES for all parishioners and their families will be available for pick up at the 15th Avenue entrance following the service today!
GOOD FRIDAY WAY OF THE CROSS FOR FAMILIES. Upon arriving at St. Mary’s families will be given materials for the prayer walk and a map at the Lych Gate, and will receive a blessing upon their return!
Morning Prayer
Monday | Hosea 13: 1-14 | John 14: 1-14 | Psalm 94 |
Tuesday | Isaiah 42: 1-9 | John 15: 1-16 | Psalm 71 |
Wednesday | Numbers 21: 4-9 | John 16: 1-15 | Psalm 109 |
Thursday | Lamentations 1:1-14 | John 17 | Psalms 40, 41 |
Friday | Genesis 22: 1-18 | John 18: 1-32 | Psalm 22 |
Saturday | Zechariah 9: 9-12 | 1 Peter 2: 11-end | Psalms 16, 30 |
Evening Prayer
Monday | Hosea 14 | John 14:15-end | Psalm 69 |
Tuesday | Wisdom 2.1, 12-end | John 15: 17-end | Psalm 79 |
Wednesday | Leviticus 16: 2-24 | John 16: 16-end | Psalms 120,140 |
Thursday | Lamentations 3: 1-33 | John 13: 1-35 | Psalms 116, 117 |
Friday | Isaiah 50: 4-10 | John 19: 38-end | Psalm 88 |
Saturday | Job 19: 21-27 | John 2: 13-22 | Psalm 27 |
Monday | 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 5:30 PM Evening Prayer |
Tuesday | 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 5:30 PM Evening Prayer |
Wednesday | 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 5:30 PM Evening Prayer |
Maundy Thursday | 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Communion |
Good Friday | 10:00 AM Way of the Cross for Children and Families 12:00 PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion |
Holy Saturday | 7:00 PM Evening Prayer with Holy Baptism and Confirmation |
Easter Sunday | 10:30 AM Holy Communion 3:00 PM Light and Peace Easter Service for Families |
(Updated 2021-03-28: Replaced live audio stream player with recorded segments.)
March 28, 2021 – 10.30 o’clock
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the Highest.
(Updated 2021-03-28: Added audio)
From today’s reading of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark:
“There were some who said to themselves indignantly, “Why was the ointment thus wasted?For this ointment might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii, and given to the poor.” And they reproached her. But Jesus said, “Let her alone; why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me….she has anointed my body beforehand for burying. And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” (Mark 14. 46, 8-9)
In an article entitled, “The Christian Art of Dying”, the British Orthodox priest and theologian John Behr argues that, “in discussing the ages of the spiritual life, nothing is as important or as difficult as facing the reality of death.”
I don’t think any of us would dispute this. We shift nervously in our seats whenever the subject comes up, but it’s a subject that has certainly reared its ugly head under COVID, where from some, stepping outside the doors of one’s house, means courting death.
Continue reading “Palm Sunday 2021 – Sermon”10.30 A.M. Morning Prayer With Hymns And Sermon. Beth preaching.
GODLY PLAY for children 3-6 years via zoom. Today’s story is ‘Lent-The Torn Curtain’ Matthew 27:50-51.
FAITHQUEST (for children 7-13 via zoom). Finish the Road to Emmaus rotation with King’s Theatre/Pray per View. Memory Verse/Key Verse: “Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him, and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’” (Luke 24: 31-32 NRSV) Leader: Heidi/Anya
1.00 P.M. “BENEDICITE” PRAYER WALK begins at the Lych Gate at St. Mary’s. All are welcome! “All ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord. Praise Him and magnify Him for ever!”
“IN PERSON” SUNDAY WORSHIP . Please register ahead of time if you desire to attend the Sunday service at St. Mary’s, and observe public health protocols. AUDIO RECORDING of today’s service and sermon will be posted to the parish website following worship today.
MID WEEK SERVICES. You are warmly invited to join in the daily services of Morning Prayer at 8.30 a.m. and Evening Prayer at 5.30 p.m. starting Monday, March 15. There will also be services of Holy Communion on Tuesday, following a shortened Morning Prayer at 8.30 a.m., Wednesday at 12.15 p.m., and Thursday, following shortened Evening Prayer at 5.30 p.m. In the wake of the isolation and upheaval of these past months, these quiet, meditative services offer us the opportunity to gather with small group of fellow parishioners to refocus our attention in anticipation of Easter, be refreshed, and find healing for bruised and battered hearts. Pre-registration will not be required.
‘RISEN WITH CHRIST’ A PALM SATURDAY VIRTUAL CELEBRATION on Saturday, March 27 at 12:45 PM. To join in, here is the Zoom link.
MEND WITH CARE. Any clothing in need of repair? We are a small group of menders offering to do some basic or creative mending for all your worn wear! All proceeds will go directly to the Refugee Fund. We welcome ripped seams, unraveled knitwear, holes to patch, wool to darn, loose or missing buttons. Please contact Clara at mendwithcare@gmail.com
HAND-DIPPED BEESWAX CANDLES from St. Mary’s may be purchased for $5.00 a pair by contacting Yvonne in the parish office. Phone: 306 522-6052, email: stmarysanglican@sasktel.net Parishioners can pick up their candles from the newly installed mailbox at the Montague St. entrance, and leave a cheque in the proper amount. Proceeds to Refugee Fund.
FASTING FOR FEEDING. Join us today (Sunday) at 4.30 p.m. for our third and final zoom meeting from the kitchen of Nat and Mary as we cook Vegetable Biryani. See attached recipe. To join in, here is the Zoom link.
ST. MARY’S VESTRY meets this Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
CHILDREN’S LENTEN ALMS. For our Children’s Lenten Alms Family Ministries has chosen City Kidz. We will be collecting alms for City Kidz, an organization that exists to help children living in low-income communities by providing inspirational experiences and personal relationships.
Monday to Friday
(Modified 2021-03-21: Added audio)
March 21, 2021
10.30 o’clock
OPENING HYMN: Lift High the Cross.
Continue reading “Lent 5, 2021 – Morning Prayer”(Modified 2021-03-21: Added audio)
I had a bad-attitude day on Friday. I say a “bad-attitude day” and not a “bad day” because objectively, by every measure, Friday was a very good day. I got to work from home. It was a beautiful, sunny spring day. I played board games online with dear friends I haven’t seen in person in over a year. And I came to church in the quiet and the evening light to pray. But despite everything objectively seeming quite lovely, I was in a snit pretty much from the word go. I felt resentful and put-upon. I felt smothered by obligations when all I wanted was for the world to leave me alone. And round about the time I was dragging myself resentfully downstairs to the car to come to church for Evening Prayer, I started to lecture myself. You have no earthly reason to feel this way, I sensibly pointed out. You chose this work and these relationships. And there can be no argument that by any objective measure, your life is not only “not that bad,” it’s pretty damn privileged. So what are you whining about?
Continue reading “Lent 5, 2021 – Sermon”