Epiphany 2 2021 Sermon

St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church, Epiphany 2, Jan. 17, 2020
Revd. Canon Claude Schroeder.

Lectionary: 1 Samuel 3. 1-10, Psalm 139. 1-5, 12-17, 1 Cor. 6. 12-20, John 1.43.51

Today is the Second Sunday after Epiphany in our church calendar. Epiphany, the season devoted towards celebrating “the manifestation” or the “showing forth” of God in the person of Jesus Christ.  

For a lot of people mid-January in Regina is physically and emotionally a pretty dark time and place at the best of times, made worse this year by you know what…Is there light at the end of the tunnel? I’m not so sure. But then again, I’m not sure “at the end of the tunnel” is the right place to be looking for light.

 “The light shines in the darkness “writes St. John at the beginning of his Gospel, “and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1.5). The place where the light shines is in the darkness.  And as St. Paul writes, “The God who said, let light shine out of darkness, has shone in ourhearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Cor.4.6). Our task as Christians is to turn to the light that is right here and right now shining in our hearts, and to bathe ourselves in that light. This is the gift and the blessing of the season of Epiphany, the season of light. “With thee is the fountain of life,” wrote the Psalmist, “in thy light we shall see light.” (Psalm 36.9)

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Baptism of the Lord, 2021 – Bulletin

JANUARY 10, 2020



Claude Schroeder preaching.

GODLY PLAY via Zoom. Today’s story is ‘Anna and Simeon’ Luke 2:25-38. 

FAITHQUEST via Zoom. Today’s Lesson: The Story of Jacob and Esau. 
From a human point of view, Jacob’s story is one of sin and redemption. This redemption happened because God chose to make himself known to Jacob (twice). From God’s point of view, it is the story of how God graciously works through his flawed children (like us) to fulfill his Covenant promise to raise up a kingdom of priests for the world.
Today’s Workshop: Let there be Magic!
Leader: Kate.

HOUSEHOLD FINANCES. Tax receipts along with a financial update, letter from the Churchwardens and pledge forms for 20201 will be mailed out to all parishioners in the next 2 weeks.

VESTRY MEETING to finalize budget for 2021 will be held via Zoom, next Sunday at 7:00 p.m.

COVID UPDATE. Further direction to the Diocese from Bishop Rob is expected on January 18th

Baptism of the Lord, 2021 – Sermon

St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church, Baptism of the Lord, January 10. 2020
Revd. Canon Claude Schroeder.
Lectionary: Genesis  1.1-5  , Psalm 29, Acts,19.1-7, Mark 1.4-11

I was sitting in my study here at the church  one day, this was quite a few years now, when the phone rang. “Good Morning, St. Mary’s Anglican Church.” 

It was the location manager for a local film company looking for a church in which to film a baptism scene, and she was wondering if St. Mary’s might be available. 

The story concerned a young woman who had started attending A.A. meetings in a church basement, such as happens here at St. Mary’s on Wednesday evenings. It was in the A.A. meeting where this young woman, according to the 12 steps, 

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Epiphany 2021


January 6, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD, that is the  ‘shining forth” of God in the person of Jesus Christ brings the celebration of Christmas to a climax and fulfillment. Join us Wednesday, January 6th, at 7:00 p.m.  on “ zoom” for a special evening service from St. Mary’s that will include a “Blessing of the Waters”  in anticipation of the Baptism of the Lord next Sunday. Please print off the attached order of service.

The link to the zoom meeting is as follows: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84430621200?pwd=dmtjYWIyZTRCNDl3aXVIajVJMmg5QT09

Meeting ID: 844 3062 1200
Passcode: 729521

A Service of Evening Prayer and the Blessing of the Waters

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Christmas 2 Bulletin




TODAY AT ST. MARY’S:  10.30 a.m.  Morning Prayer, with Carols of Christmas and Sermon.  Henry preaching.

AUDIO RECORDING of the full service and sermon is available on the parish  website.

THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD, that is the  ‘shining forth” of God in the person of Jesus Christ brings the celebration of Christmas to a climax and fulfillment. Join us next Wednesday, January 6th, at 7:00 p.m.  on “Zoom” for an evening of theological reflection and a special evening service from St. Mary’s that will include a “Blessing of the Waters”  in anticipation of the Baptism of the Lord next Sunday. Zoom link will be sent out next Tuesday.


So then, one might ask, “ How was God the Word not filled with bodily weakness?” We reply: as the fire does not share in the distinguishing marks of the iron. Iron is black and cold, but nonetheless when turned into fire it takes on the outward form of fire. The iron glows, yet the fire is not blackened. The iron is set ablaze, yet it does not cool the flame. So too with the human flesh of the Lord: it shares in the divinity, yet it does not impart its own weakness to the divinity…Are you puzzled how the easily corruptible nature can have incorruptibility through its communion with God? Realize that it’s a mystery. God is in flesh that he may kill the death that lurks therein. For as the harm caused by poisonous drugs can be overcome by antidotes when they are assimilated by the body, and as the darkness residing in a house is dissolved by the introduction of light, so too the death that dominates in human nature is obliterated by the presence of divinity. And as ice in water, for as long as it is night and dark, is stronger than the liquid that contains it, but the warming sun melts the ice by its ray, so too death rules until the advent of Christ, but when the saving grace of God appears,, and the sun of righteousness arsis, death is swallowed up by victory, unable to bear the visitation of true life. 

O the depth of the goodness of God and his love for humanity! In response to his superabundant love for humanity we rebel against being his servants. We seek to know why God is among humans, though we should be adoring his goodness.

On the Holy Birth of Christ, St. Basil of Caesaria, (A.D.  329-379)

Christmas 2 Sermon

Sermon for St. Mary’s Anglican
Date:  January 3, 2021
Scriptures:  Jeremiah 31:7-14, Psalm 147: 12-20, Ephesians 1:3-14 & John 1:1-18
Prepared by Henry Friesen

Sermon audio

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts together, be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

My sermon this morning is based on the words of the Lord given to the prophet Jeremiah and recorded in chapter 31. I have given it the title:  There is a Future

            Several weeks ago now I saw a political cartoon that I thought so clearly captured the feeling of what the past year has felt like to me. The cartoon was of two boxers inside a boxing ring.  One of the boxers was a huge fellow with broad shoulders, great big muscles and a large set of boxing gloves. The gloves looked strangely like the microscopic images of the coronavirus particles that we see time and again on TV or on websites and in news articles.  You know, the round ball-shaped image with what looks like mushrooms or small suction cups sticking out of the round surface – that is what the boxing gloves looked like on the big boxer; he was clearly the winner. His opponent in the ring was very small in comparison; he had small gloves, a terribly bruised face and a battered body.  The boxing match has been very one-sided. What made the cartoon so vivid for me was that on the back of big boxer was the number 2020 while on the back of the small boxer was simply “the world”.

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Sunday After Christmas 2020 Bulletin



TODAY AT ST. MARY’S:  10.30 a.m.  Morning Prayer, with Carols of Christmas and Sermon.  Beth preaching.

AUDIO RECORDING of the full service and sermon will be available on the parish website.

DONATIONS  for 2020 by cheque or e-transfer need to be received in the church office by December 31. Christmas thank offering to the Rector may be made either by e –transfer or using the yellow church envelope.


How did the splendor come to us all by means of one? How can divinity come to be in flesh? As fire comes to be in iron: not by a change of place, but by a sharing of itself. For fire does not go out of itself and into the iron; rather, while remaining in its place, it shares its own power with the iron. It is in no way diminished when it shares itself, and the whole of it fills whatever shares in it. So it is in this way that God the Word did not move out of Himself when the Word became flesh. Heaven was not deprived of what it contained, and earth received the heavenly one within it’s own embraces. Do not suppose that the divinity fell. For it did not move from one place to another as bodies do. Do not imagine that the divinity was altered when it was transferred into flesh. For the immortal is immutable.

On the Holy Birth of Christ, St. Basil of Caesaria, (A.D.  329-379)

Sunday After Christmas 2020 Sermon

Sermon audio

Thirty or so years ago, my aunt and uncle were pastors of a little church in Calgary, and for a while they did this show on one of the local public access tv stations.  I don’t remember very much about it.  I think they played music and sang and preached.  They probably had guests on.  It was 100 Huntley Street without the production value.  But I do have one clear memory about their show.  When their oldest grandchild was born, my aunt did a segment where she held him in her arms while she read scriptures and talked about the hope and promise that he represented to her.  That baby, firstborn of her firstborn, held for her in his tiny being at that moment all the promises of God for the future of her family.

As a nine-year-old I found all this vaguely embarrassing.  My aunt on tv talking like she’d invented being a grandparent.  And sure, baby Jordan was cute and all, but he was just a baby.  There were already a bunch of us kids running around.  No one else talked about how the future of the world rested on our shoulders.  Still, this particular memory has stayed vivid for me.  I carry that image of her holding Jordan and looking into the camera, her belief in God’s promises for her future shining out of her.  She is what I always imagine when I read this story of Simeon and Anna.

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